
Friday, April 1, 2011

Japan Tsunami Alert Vs. Mother Nature's Act

Recently, tsunami repeated in Japan after it's hit Indonesia, Thailand, sri langka and Malaysia. As to date, approximately 10000 people lost their lives and the numbers still accumulated. They lost their loves one and official capture as the waves 11m height and some places even higher at 20m high.The waves swept away all structure, farm and lifes. Flat land occurs soon after impact which known before as a beautiful town in a super high tech country, Japan.

What really happen., in general earth quake and tsunami travelled to the main land. Why the alert system is not effective in saving Japanese life. Something must go wrong or nothing in this world could prevent mega disaster from this mother nature act. So much damages we made to this innocent world and we will never ever learned our mistake. Japan has been chosen by mother nature to proves none of technology can stop the so called " Tsunami and Earth quake".

By looking at recent history, the disaster become greater each day and the earth couldn't take it anymore. We has done tremendous damaged to the world and the consequences has become our liabilities. As the movies 2012, the judgement day seems on it's way and we need to change and make the world better place as before. 

As Japan Nation know as one of the best races in the world, no doubt they will recover soon after this mega disaster. They done it during WWII, Hiroshima Atomic Bomb somewhere 1944 and they will do it again revive for their pride. The question is? What they will becoming in future to prevent as minimum lifes lost if they faced this event again. More technology will be invented but again no one can answer the effectivenes until it being tested.

Let Pray to all Japanese Nation on their loses.......

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